How to Detect Cheating in a Video Interview: Reflections and Strategies

Nowadays, video interviews are a rather ordinary practice within the process of recruitment. They come with the advantage of being convenient, fast and allows access to the best talent all over the world. However, such advantages come with their disadvantages, for instance, there is high possibility of cheating. Some candidates might lip-sync or have someone else answer the questions for them or use any other unlawful means to pass the assessment. Long story short, it is a great importance for the recruiters or hiring managers to realize these potential threats and prepare ways to give cues to detect cheating or to prevent cheating.

In this blog, we will explore most likely cheating means with reference to video interviews and describe the proper ways to identify them.

Types of Cheating Possible in a Video Interview

1. Lip Syncing

There are instances that some of the candidates might record their answers ahead of the interview and replay it while faking the lip movement as a way of making it seem real. This method can be sometimes rather difficult to track as the candidate would most likely be proficient at it.

2. Third-Party Assistance

Another unfair practice is to allow a different person sit in the room with the candidate, providing the answers or even the candidate answering on behalf of the actual candidate. This can be done either through muttering the answers off screen or through wearing an off screen earphone.

3. Pre-recorded Responses

Some of the things that candidates may employ include pre-recorded answer to various questions that are likely to be asked. They could listen to such recordings during the interview with a view that they are responding to the questions in real time.

4. Screen Sharing and Prompting

In that interview, it is possible for some candidates to get some prompts or information using screen-sharing technology. They can type out answers or hold another piece of information on another screen in front of a person.

How to Detect Cheating in Video Interviews

1. Leverage AI-Powered Interview Platforms

Modern interview platforms come with AI-powered features that can detect suspicious activities. These platforms can analyze facial expressions, voice consistency, and background noises to identify discrepancies. If a candidate is lip-syncing or using a pre-recorded video, the system may flag mismatches in voice and lip movements.

2. Use Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis

Platforms that offer real-time analysis can alert recruiters to unusual activities. This includes sudden changes in lighting, multiple voices in the background, or audio-video synchronization issues. Recruiters should choose platforms that offer these advanced features.

3. Verify Identity with Multi-Factor Authentication

Start the interview process with multi-factor authentication. This might include sending a one-time password to the candidate’s mobile device or email. Additionally, ask for ID verification at the beginning of the interview to ensure the person you are interviewing matches the identity provided on the resume.

4. Ask Unpredictable Questions

Design part of the interview to include spontaneous questions that are not based on the resume. These should be specific and tailored, requiring the candidate to think on their feet. If a candidate relies on pre-recorded answers or external help, they may struggle with these questions.

5. Observe Body Language and Eye Movement

A candidate receiving external help may show unusual body language, such as frequently looking away from the screen, inconsistent eye contact, or showing signs of distraction. These indicators can suggest that the candidate is reading answers or receiving cues.

6. Request a Room Scan

At the beginning of the interview, ask candidates to do a quick 360-degree scan of their room using their webcam. This helps to ensure that no one else is present in the room and discourages candidates from attempting to use hidden aids.

7. Conduct Follow-Up Questions

If you suspect a candidate might be cheating, ask follow-up questions related to their responses. Probe deeper into their answers to see if they can provide more details or clarifications. A genuine candidate should be able to elaborate, while someone relying on pre-recorded responses or help may falter.

8. Monitor Background Noise

Be attentive to background noises. If you hear whispering, typing, or any noise that suggests a third party might be present, it’s a red flag. Address it immediately by asking the candidate about it.

9. Time-Stamped Responses

Use software that can timestamp answers and monitor pauses. If there are long, unnatural pauses before the candidate responds, it could indicate they are being fed answers or searching for responses online.


The usefulness of video interviews in the scenario of selection can be seen in the list of advantages that these methods have in comparison to the conventional face-to-face interview. However, they are not without some [ indict, especially as it relates to the questions that would be asked to the interviewee. Through identifying the forms of cheating, and by applying these interview detection techniques, candidates, hiring managers, and recruiters can protect the interview process – they can thus hire the best and most honest employees.

So, let me remind you that technology could be one’s best friend but never forget to use your humane instinct to analyze. Both can be used in parallel so that to develop effective and equitable interviewing system.

At futuremug for example, we mainly deal in providing state of the art assessment solutions that ensure you carry out safe and authentic video interviews.

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