Customizable Assessments – Tailoring Evaluations to Match Job Roles

Customized recruitment assessments are assessments tailored to identify an individual’s competencies and skills to meet the need of individual job roles. Through comprehensive job-specific assessments, they help identify the best fit for each role within the organization.  Organizations can rely on various talent assessment platform and top HR assessment tools as well as the best recruitment tools that offers customized assessments to upgrade their hiring practices and enjoy a diverse and loyal workforce.

Why are customized assessments required?

Having a one-size-fits-all approach to candidate assessments fail on two accounts. They fail to capture the individual requirement for each job position and hence fail to find the best candidate for the job as they do not have a standard to compare them to. Customized assessments help to understand the skills and attributes required for each job and helps evaluate the candidate’s competencies, knowledge, experience and can pretty much accurately predict how good they will be at their job.

The following are some of the benefits of customized candidate assessments.

  • Attracts diverse talent pool – Customized assessments help cut across biases and stereotypes and identify best candidates based on assessments tailored for the specific job position.
  • Better hiring decisions – Through assessing relevant skills for the particular job position, organizations can take data driven hiring decisions. Customized assessments evaluate candidates on skills relevant to the role and hence it is possible to identify which candidates best fit the roles.
  • Greater employee retention – The candidate knows what the role entails and hence there is lesser probably of dissatisfaction later. There is greater job satisfaction as well as the employees feel their skills are valued and that they are a good fit for the role. 
  • Better candidate experience – Customized assessments help the candidate understand what the job requires. The assessment is more engaging, relevant and helps set clear expectations right at the beginning. 

Setting up a customized assessments mechanism

Any organization, big or small, who wants to leverage the benefits of customized assessments can do so by following the following simple steps.

Step 1: Analyse each job role and identify the list of key competencies and skills that are required for the role.

Step 2: Identify what type of assessments can accurately test a candidate’s competencies identified in Step 1. This should include testing a wide range of capabilities such as on-the-job challenges, simulation tests, problem-solving exercises, specific skills such as coding, language tests, etc. Companies like futuremug offers assistance and platforms to customize assessments by creating various test formats and situational judgement tests.

Step 3: Test the assessments to see if they offer the desired results. If not, make the requisite adjustments and work on the tests till you get it right. Pilot test on small batches and in conjunction with traditional assessment methods till the customized assessments are ready to be used independently.

Best practises and suitability of online assessments platforms for customizing candidate assessments

Many organizations around the world, across various industries, have reaped the benefit of customizing assessments. Through creating tests and evaluations to identify job specific skills, integrating AI into the assessment process, and relying on the various tools and platforms that aid customization, they all have created a happy, diverse and vibrant workforce.

futuremug provides an assessment platform that allows a great deal of customization to identify and hire the best fit candidate for a variety of technical and non-technical roles.

The following blog explains what features to look for when organizations decide to integrate talent assessment platforms into their hiring methodology.

Here is another of our blog that talks about the best practises if organizations want to use an online assessment platform for hiring candidates through customized assessment.

Real world examples of companies leveraging the power of customized assessments

  • Google – Google evaluates technical skills and problem-solving abilities of candidates for various roles through various comprehensive job-specific assessments. For example, software engineers are given coding tests to assess skills they will actually demonstrate on the job.
  • IBM’s – IBM has gone one step ahead and uses customizable assessments for their leadership roles. Through a series of situational judgment tests and personality assessments they can identify potential leaders whose values and approaches align with the company’s strategic goals and culture.
  • Unilever – Unilever relies heavily on gamified assessments as part of their customized candidate assessments. Through this approach they are doing a comprehensive and in-depth evaluation of candidates, covering a broad spectrum of capabilities such as cognitive abilities, social traits, and leadership potential.

The following blog explains how companies can make the most of customized assessments.

With technology being extensively used in all aspects of hiring, the possibilities are endless. Through use of AI and Machie Learning, it is also possible to gain in-depth analytics and insights about the candidates based on which recruiters can take informed hiring decisions. Make the most of it to inject some intelligence into your recruitment assessment process and build a responsive and loyal workforce.

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